Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized Seeds

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Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized Seeds

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Combining two powerfully relaxing specimens, award-winning Cannabis Cup champion Early Skunk and Rosetta Stone from industry legends Brothers Grimm, brings us this easy-growing Indica-dominant giant...

Translation: Relaxation


Bud Basics

Combining two powerfully relaxing specimens, award-winning Cannabis Cup champion Early Skunk and Rosetta Stone from industry legends Brothers Grimm, brings us this easy-growing Indica-dominant giant.


Studded with an endless sea of crystalline trichomes, these plants make their intentions clear long before harvest or first toke - with an average 20% THC and CBD under 1%, the Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized hybrid is here to do the business.


Boasting a high that’s always remarkably pleasant and never overpowering, this stuff has become a fan favorite among both those new to the cannabis community and those fresh-faced first-time growers alike.


An all-round standout specimen when it comes to the more approachable high THC strains, this herb has a habit of making everything feel better, whether you’re growing and admiring the plants, consuming for recreational use or relying on the buds for their therapeutic benefits.


You’ll likely struggle to find this elusive specimen readily available in dispensaries (or wherever else you score your stash from), which makes these feminized seeds your best (possibly only) bet at securing yourself a batch of this euphoria-driving bud.


While Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Fem nugs may not stand out to those expecting stupidly loud terps (the kind made famous by those West Coast superstars and their famously fruity and present flavor and aroma profiles), this herb is one that boasts huge appeal to those with a taste for the old-school strains - one not to miss!



Flavor and Fragrance of Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone

The exact terpene profile of this hybrid is something of a mystery, however, the resulting flavor and fragrance profile for Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone is up-front and clear as day.


These buds are like nature incarnate to both the tongue and nose. Likened to the scent of freshly fallen rain on a lush garden, there’s bundles of earthiness and woodiness going on here along with hints of pine that accentuate the experience exquisitely.


On the tongue, it’s a practically perfect translation of the aroma that’s both sweet and satisfying in the extreme - and considerably moreish.


Set aside any dreams of fabulously fruity strains with this one and embrace a natural profile which feels connected to Mother Nature herself.




You’d be forgiven for thinking that a 20% THC strain with Indica-leaning tendencies would sock you round the face fairly swiftly.


Things kick off rather differently with Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized, though still don’t waste time waiting around. These buds strike a balance between insta-hit and creeper high, delivering a mild cerebral buzz which gradually dials up the intensity as the minutes and tokes tick by.


Before you know it, the euphoria has overcome you, drawing out a world of vivid colors and vibrancy from the universe that you never noticed before. Negativity becomes a stranger with an ugly face that you simply have no time for.


Somewhere between watching your fingers fing and losing yourself in the pure enjoyment of your senses (crank up the tunes, you won’t regret it!), you’ll feel the physical vibes pulsing through you, installing a sense of serenity which, while never verging close to couchlocking, is enough to subdue any urges for highly involved physical activity.


All this translates to a strain that’s definitely better suited to later in the day consumption - a far more suitable afternoon or evening hit than as your next wake and bake.


Not that being productive on this herb is impossible, merely unlikely.


For those of a mind towards introspection, you’ll find this kind of high is your perfect pot partner for marijuana meditation or simply reflecting on your day or self.


And eventually, as with any good Indica, you’re in for one seriously rejuvenating night’s sleep at the end of the high.



Medical Uses of Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized

Many medical marijuana (MMJ) patients make the mistake of assuming that only high CBD strains are suitable for therapeutic consumption, little realizing the benefit of some THC therapy too.


While the most effective MMJ tends to be strains which strike a balance between THC and CBD, Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized has a lot to offer medically speaking (despite this herb’s low CBD count).


The euphoric sense of elation brought on by this bud is an ideal remedy for combating mental conditions, helping to clear perspective and cut to the root of ailments, freed from the bonds of negativity. Patients suffering from stress, anxiety or depression will find consuming this cannabis can provide fairly instant relief and help restore a semblance of normality to their lives - potent anxiolytic and anti-depressant properties will do that!


Relief from physical aches and pains is also on the cards here, though the efficacy of this hybrid in this regard is somewhat limited to less severe conditions.


Nonetheless, the physical effects can be quite profound in the right cases. This herb can quite easily put a stop to nausea, replacing it with a compelling hunger, and you’re practically guaranteed a great night’s sleep at the end of this experience, too.


Due to the high THC content at play in Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized, you’ll want to consume with care if you’re hoping to mitigate the chances of inviting less desirable side effects like dizziness or dry mouth.


Stay hydrated and dose in moderation.



Growing Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized Seeds

With two parents that are famously simple to cultivate, it’s no surprise that growing Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized is a job without huge amounts of challenge - one even those new to growing ganja can quite easily succeed with.


Given the Indica-leaning dominance of this hybrid, you can expect the typical natural robustness these strains are famed for - plants more than capable of fending off common plant-related problems like bud rot, pests or pathogens.


You’ll also find these frost-covered beauties develop sturdy limbs which easily hold the significant weight of their prodigious bud production, meaning you shouldn’t have the hassle of needing to implement additional support measures in general - it’s worth noting though that the central cola can swell to enormous proportions and this can sometimes require some supporting from the cultivator.


This strain definitely lands on the larger side of the scales than is expected, in terms of height, reaching anywhere up to 2 meters (or 6.5 feet) under optimal conditions.


When treated to a balmy Mediterranean climate, an outdoor crop of these babies is going to thrive beyond the telling of it, producing massive plants and maximum yields. While it’s possible to grow Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized outside in a less ideal northern environment, you’re better off opting for an indoor setup if you don’t have access to the best outdoor climates.


Indoors, mimic the lush weather of California, Spain or the like, and you’ll find your plants are none the wiser, racing to the finish and delivery of a damn fine harvest.


A Sea of Green (SoG) setup is about as complicated as things can get with this hybrid, and if you’re able to implement this technique you’ll help your plants make full use of all their available space and produce top-notch results.


Overall, things average at 6 to 8 weeks of flowering time, after which the indoor grower can expect between 400 and 500 grams per meter squared for their efforts. Outdoors, meanwhile, it’s possible to reap between 500 and 550 grams per plant.


Keep in mind wherever you plant, due to the height and pungency of Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone, you’ll need to choose your location wisely - the scent of these maturing plants isn’t entirely ‘unnatural’, but it is obvious and may not take nosy neighbors long to realize what you’re cultivating.


Guerrilla growing or carbon filters could be wise considerations for times when discretion is paramount.




An easy-growing hybrid combining two old-school beauties into one exquisite package.


Early Skunk x Rosetta Stone Feminized may not be the most potent or flavorful around when compared with some of the brain-bubbling strains hitting the marijuana market these days, but this herb is a perfect choice for those seeking a refined chill-out experience or pot partner for introspection and clarity of mind.

Strain Profile
Strain IconsFeminized
VarietyIndica / Sativa
Harvest MonthOctober
Flowering TypePhotoperiod
Flowering Time6-8 Weeks
Plant HeightMedium
THC ContentHigh (15-20%)
CBD ContentLow (0-1%)
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