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710 Tropical Berry Feminised Seeds-3 Seeds
710 Tropical Berry Feminised Seeds-5 Seeds
Quick flowering Sativa/Indica with fruity aroma.
Tropical Berry is a hybrid of both Indica and Sativa strains it is a perfectly balanced strain with a fruity and sugary aroma combined with a flowering period of 56 days this make this strain very popular. This strain produces medium-sized plants its flowers are very colorful, the may change from light green to deep purple along with buzz and taste that are pleasant. This strain looks like a Sativa but with the potent effect of an indica. Its effect is clear headed and uplifting, creative and motivating.
More Information
GeneticsGrapefruit x Blueberry
VarietyMostly Indica
Flowering TypePhotoperiod
Flowering Time8-9 weeks
GrowsGrows Indoors, Grows Outside
Plant HeightMedium
YieldMedium, High
THC ContentHigh (15-20%)
CBD ContentLow (0-1%)
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